Croydon Bereavement Cafe

Friday 08 March 2019
11:00 to 13:00

Losing someone you loved can turn your world upside down.

Everyone's experience of grief is personal.

Croydon's Bereavement Cafe is a place to find others who have suffered loss and can appreciate something of your experience.

A space to talk about the pain of loss and find mutual support and encouragement,

A bereavement Cafe is not a form of counselling but you will find people who will listen and respect your story and emotions.

This is a FREE event held on the second Friday of every month, from 11.00am - 1.00pm.

The Cafe is facilaited by experienced volunteers, who offer a welcoming space with an opportunity to talk with others over tea, coffee.

Do come along, we would love to meet you.

Contact Creating Conversations
Croydon Clocktower Cafe, Katharine Street
(view map)